
10 Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile Blog

10 Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile

If you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry or your locality there are some lots of things you can do so that you are seen as the ‘go to’ expert in your sector.

1. Update your LinkedIn Headline

Are you making the most of your headline? Why put Director or Owner when you have 240 characters to really position yourself? Use keywords to explain what you want to be known for, be clear about what problems you solve and what type of businesses or people you can help. Your headline follows you around you need to stand out and look credible.

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Getting the Most from LinkedIn Blog

Getting the Most from LinkedIn

I have to confess that during the various lockdowns I had more time to do my own social media. Yet, like many a hairdresser with untidy locks or a carpenter with shelves that need fitting, I always used to take the time to ensure my clients’ social media is done and dusted before doing my own.

But with the extra time, while business was quiet, I was able to be a bit more consistent on LinkedIn and it has definitely paid off. I picked up new clients who all mentioned that they had seen what I was posting on LinkedIn and wanted to work with me.

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Case studies come in many formats, from short posts on social media to showcasing your work on websites in the form of videos to marketing material to give or send to prospective clients.

The great thing is that once you have the content for a case study then you can repurpose it in many ways. Good content always wins over mediocre content and a case study should be full of great content that demonstrates how you have helped clients overcome problems with solutions that give them great outcomes.


How to get your first 100 likes on your Facebook Business Page Blog

How to get your first 100 likes on your…

I’m not going to lie, if you have a new Facebook Business Page, getting your first 100 likes can seem like a daunting prospect.  Not least because the Facebook algorithms are stacked against business pages with Facebook encouraging you to boost or sponsor your posts to get more engagement.

But before you spend your hard-earned money, let’s take a look at a few basics to set up your page for success.

It is a lot easier than it used to be to set up your page with Facebook guiding you through the essential stages and leaving them as live if you have not completed them. But, if your page is already set up you can go back and access any of your page information or features from Manage Page, scroll down to Edit Page Info or Settings at any stage.

So once you have your page, how do you increase your likes/follows? Here are my top 10 tips.

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goal setting for small business Blog

Goal Setting

Like most people I tend to take stock as we head towards a new financial year and think about what I want to achieve in this coming year, both in my  business and personal life.

Are you focused enough to refer regularly to your business plan and update your objectives, do you set new goals each year or month or are you more of a daily or weekly list maker?

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