
Top Tips for Writing a Great News Release

Most of what you read, hear or see in the business or features sections of the media is provided by companies, not written by journalists.  Although a good Public Relations Agency is worth their weight in gold if you have the need and the budget, it is quite possible, as the owner of a small company, to do your own PR without employing someone else.

Writing a news release is a relatively low-cost marketing option which mainly involves your time and perhaps the investment in a professional picture. As many small companies will not have a PR strategy writing regular news releases could give you that competitive advantage.

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Benefits of Entering Business Awards Blog

10 Benefits of Entering Business Awards

There are lots of community, charity, tourism and business awards launched every year, local as well as national. But when I ask my contacts if they are applying, the usual response is ‘No’.

But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence, articles and blogs research to suggest there are benefits to smaller organisations as well as large corporates. The value and impact on SMEs derived from winning business awards seem to be both short term and long term and there is tremendous PR value in entering and winning an award.

Read more “10 Benefits of Entering Business Awards”