Case studies come in many formats, from short posts on social media to showcasing your work on websites in the form of videos to marketing material to give or send to prospective clients.

The great thing is that once you have the content for a case study then you can repurpose it in many ways. Good content always wins over mediocre content and a case study should be full of great content that demonstrates how you have helped clients overcome problems with solutions that give them great outcomes.


How to get your first 100 likes on your Facebook Business Page Blog

How to get your first 100 likes on your…

I’m not going to lie, if you have a new Facebook Business Page, getting your first 100 likes can seem like a daunting prospect.  Not least because the Facebook algorithms are stacked against business pages with Facebook encouraging you to boost or sponsor your posts to get more engagement.

But before you spend your hard-earned money, let’s take a look at a few basics to set up your page for success.

It is a lot easier than it used to be to set up your page with Facebook guiding you through the essential stages and leaving them as live if you have not completed them. But, if your page is already set up you can go back and access any of your page information or features from Manage Page, scroll down to Edit Page Info or Settings at any stage.

So once you have your page, how do you increase your likes/follows? Here are my top 10 tips.

Read more “How to get your first 100 likes on your Facebook Business Page”

customer touchpoints Blog

Why are Customer Touchpoints Important for your Business?

Defined as ‘an influential action or contact’, each touchpoint is a message that collectively forms part of your customer’s experience. But why are they important and how can you improve your customer journey?

What are Customer Touchpoints?

From start to finish, your customers will see and encounter your business brand both off and on line, from your logo to your advert, posters or window displays, your website or app, social media sites or on line reviews. Or it could be from a word of mouth recommendation, contact with yourself or your staff in person, on the telephone or online.

Identifying and improving the touchpoints along the way and getting feedback will help improve their experience. It’s a fantastic opportunity to improve your customer journey – and happy customers, or even prospects, will get you more leads and sales.

Read more “Why are Customer Touchpoints Important for your Business?”

Tips from a Self-Published Author Blog

Tips from a Self-Published Author

One of the pleasures of networking is hearing top tips from other businesses. I recently had the pleasure of hearing Romella Jones talk on the subject of self-publishing. Romella has been practising as a holistic therapist for 10 years, her business is Create Family Calm which supports frazzled mums and their children.

We heard that Romella loves writing and has written several books which started out as simple word documents that she circulated to friends. However, with her business head on, Romella knew that publishing books would establish her as an authority in a niche area.

Content in the form of blogs, newsletters and videos, books are an important part of any sales funnel and allows you to showcase your products and services. These giveaways can be free, or at a low cost, and will act as leverage for your business and allow people to engage with you without too much financial commitment.  NB: You’ll find hyperlinks to all the key sites in the text

Read more “Tips from a Self-Published Author”


Why Online Reviews Matter

We have always valued word of mouth recommendations rather than spin and clever marketing, in fact more than 8 in 10* or us trust recommendations of friends and families.

But these days, with the power of the World Wide Web, online recommendations, good and bad play a huge part in most of our purchasing decisions.

Having third party, peer recommendations is all part of your Social Proof – one of the biggest drivers for improving your profile.

Recommendations also form an important ‘touch point’ for your business, a way that a potential customer encounters your brand and forms an opinion.

Why are Online Reviews Important?

Well, put simply, a good online presence provides credibility, this builds trust and this leads to greater loyalty and more sales.

Read more “Why Online Reviews Matter”