10 Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile Blog

10 Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile

If you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry or your locality there are some lots of things you can do so that you are seen as the ‘go to’ expert in your sector.

1. Update your LinkedIn Headline

Are you making the most of your headline? Why put Director or Owner when you have 240 characters to really position yourself? Use keywords to explain what you want to be known for, be clear about what problems you solve and what type of businesses or people you can help. Your headline follows you around you need to stand out and look credible.

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Getting the Most from LinkedIn Blog

Getting the Most from LinkedIn

I have to confess that during the various lockdowns I had more time to do my own social media. Yet, like many a hairdresser with untidy locks or a carpenter with shelves that need fitting, I always used to take the time to ensure my clients’ social media is done and dusted before doing my own.

But with the extra time, while business was quiet, I was able to be a bit more consistent on LinkedIn and it has definitely paid off. I picked up new clients who all mentioned that they had seen what I was posting on LinkedIn and wanted to work with me.

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Case studies come in many formats, from short posts on social media to showcasing your work on websites in the form of videos to marketing material to give or send to prospective clients.

The great thing is that once you have the content for a case study then you can repurpose it in many ways. Good content always wins over mediocre content and a case study should be full of great content that demonstrates how you have helped clients overcome problems with solutions that give them great outcomes.


‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Blog

‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social…

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a phrase that I like. In fact I would like to take the ‘Corporate’ out of Corporate Social Responsibility altogether.

However in the absence of any other meaningful phrase I refer to CSR, by which I being a responsible business whether your company is large or small.

As I update this blog in the middle of a global pandemic, CSR isn’t just the right thing to do, it makes business sense. In the current challenging climate, you will be better placed to survive and thrive if you already have strong ethical values in place. Some of my tips will not be relevant at the moment as many people are working from home and charity events are postponed or cancelled. Nevertheless it’s not too late to start.

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Top ten tips for blogging Blog

Top Ten Tips for Blogging

Do you want to get started with blogging? Remember blogging is a great way to improve your profile, credibility and visibility and drives traffic to your website! This is particularly the case if you are an entrepreneur or small business as people buy from people and a blog is a great way to show the personality behind the business. Here are my Top Ten Tips for Blogging.

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