Tips from a Self-Published Author
One of the pleasures of networking is hearing top tips from other businesses. I recently had the pleasure of hearing Romella Jones talk on the subject of self-publishing. Romella has been practising as a holistic therapist for 10 years, her business is Create Family Calm which supports frazzled mums and their children.
We heard that Romella loves writing and has written several books which started out as simple word documents that she circulated to friends. However, with her business head on, Romella knew that publishing books would establish her as an authority in a niche area.
Content in the form of blogs, newsletters and videos, books are an important part of any sales funnel and allows you to showcase your products and services. These giveaways can be free, or at a low cost, and will act as leverage for your business and allow people to engage with you without too much financial commitment. NB: You’ll find hyperlinks to all the key sites in the text