‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Blog

‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social…

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a phrase that I like. In fact I would like to take the ‘Corporate’ out of Corporate Social Responsibility altogether.

However in the absence of any other meaningful phrase I refer to CSR, by which I being a responsible business whether your company is large or small.

As I update this blog in the middle of a global pandemic, CSR isn’t just the right thing to do, it makes business sense. In the current challenging climate, you will be better placed to survive and thrive if you already have strong ethical values in place. Some of my tips will not be relevant at the moment as many people are working from home and charity events are postponed or cancelled. Nevertheless it’s not too late to start.

Read more “‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social Responsibility”


Sponsorship – showcasing your business

If you are involved in any sort of charity, voluntary work or put on events you will know all about trying to get sponsorship to boost those all-important funds. Identifying likely partners, putting your case and holding your breath as you balance opportunities against deadlines.

But it’s not just for large corporates. As a small business have you thought about sponsoring an event or a worthwhile cause yourself?

Read more “Sponsorship – showcasing your business”

Doing your bit for CSR Blog

‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social…

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a phrase that I like. In fact I would like to take the ‘Corporate’ out of Corporate Social Responsibility altogether.

However in the absence of any other meaningful phrase I refer to CSR, by which I mean responsible business practices for any company, large or small.

Are SME’s Missing Out?

Traditionally it has only been the large ‘corporate’ companies that have a structured approach to CSR working with organisations such as Business in the Community. Their list of the top performing companies includes the likes of Dairy Crest, Carillon and M&S.

Yet I believe many Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SME’s) could be missing out on an opportunity. Not because they are not operating as a responsible business but because they don’t think about it holistically or shout about it.

Companies that go the extra mile to think about their employees, the environment, their community and supply chain activities are well placed to differentiate their business and improve their profile and reputation.

Read more “‘Doing Your Bit’. Top Tips for Effective Corporate Social Responsibility”