Appying the art of hygge to self employment Blog

Applying the art of Hygge to Self Employment

I was given a lovely book for Christmas on Hygge (pronounced Hue Guh, to rhyme with sugar) – the Danish Art of Happiness, and it got me thinking….  How can the art of Hygge be applied to the self employed, particularly Solopreneurs?

Is there an opportunity to bring that cosy, peaceful, effortless, everyday happiness and well being to your home office? I think there is, so I have come up with some ways you can find magic in the ordinary.

Read more “Applying the art of Hygge to Self Employment”

Spring Clean your Business with these top tips Blog

7 Top Tips to Spring Clean Your Business!

Well spring has officially started and what better way than to take some time out to implement these Top Tips smarten up your business and get everything shipshape for the year ahead.

  1. Take a Fresh Look at Finances

Are your records up to date? Are you sending out invoices on time and checking if they are paid? Do you have any consistently late payers? I find a simple Invoice Control spreadsheet helps me see at a glance what’s outstanding and how long people take to pay.

If your cash flow is suffering could you amend your payment schedules and terms and conditions to insist on larger deposits or shorten your payment terms?

Would it help to have some accounting software or an App? This could save you time and stress for example by recording your mileage and keeping your personal and business expenses separate.

Read more “7 Top Tips to Spring Clean Your Business!”