Getting the Most from LinkedIn Blog

Getting the Most from LinkedIn

I have to confess that during the various lockdowns I had more time to do my own social media. Yet, like many a hairdresser with untidy locks or a carpenter with shelves that need fitting, I always used to take the time to ensure my clients’ social media is done and dusted before doing my own.

But with the extra time, while business was quiet, I was able to be a bit more consistent on LinkedIn and it has definitely paid off. I picked up new clients who all mentioned that they had seen what I was posting on LinkedIn and wanted to work with me.

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Why Online Reviews Matter

We have always valued word of mouth recommendations rather than spin and clever marketing, in fact more than 8 in 10* or us trust recommendations of friends and families.

But these days, with the power of the World Wide Web, online recommendations, good and bad play a huge part in most of our purchasing decisions.

Having third party, peer recommendations is all part of your Social Proof – one of the biggest drivers for improving your profile.

Recommendations also form an important ‘touch point’ for your business, a way that a potential customer encounters your brand and forms an opinion.

Why are Online Reviews Important?

Well, put simply, a good online presence provides credibility, this builds trust and this leads to greater loyalty and more sales.

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115 Facts about Social Media Blog

115 Must Know Facts about Social Media

Social media has become our environment. In the era where social media websites have the power to directly influence our opinions, attitudes and behaviours, it is important to be knowledgeable about the social media phenomenon. This knowledge provides a deeper understanding of the ways in which social media influences our everyday lives.

The number of people who use social media has exceeded 1 billion and the trend of growing social media usage is expected to continue to grow over the coming years. While most users of social media know a lot of information about their favourite platforms, there are still a number of facts about social media that are bound to come as a surprise to many. Click on the image for the full Infographic.

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